Negativity Ends Here
I was the talkative one who never stopped asking questions. I refused to accept the status quo unless it made complete sense to me. You can say that I was also a seeker. Luckily, I had an excellent Guru in My Father.
My father was an austere yogi and was given the name SADHANA NANDA by his Guru which meant ‘a person always seeking through silent meditation.’
Taking inspiration from The Buddha, my father went through the severity of ‘seeking’ in the quest for answers. He gave up his regular life, and went through extreme Yogic practices which included fasting and going without water for hours, almost like an ascetic, with the assumption that the answers could only be found through this way, by going to such extremes. But much later in life he found all this to be foolish (as he once said to me) - ‘I found the access that was always within me and never without. All I had to do was release my ego and attach myself to Supreme Energy’.
In his notes to me, he wrote about how to access this Supreme Energy with the intention for me to go out there and teach all who are seekers, but I never felt I had the authority to do so until a few years ago.
"I am proud to be a Survivor. I am now Cancer free and with minimum treatment I was able heal and find my true self. "
I went through a bout of Cancer and during that physical pain and trauma to my body, I realized that I had not turned on my true north instead, I lived life in a way that suited everyone else around me. At that very moment, I made a decision, even though I was in excruciating pain post the surgery, that I had the power within me to heal myself.
A few days later, I awoke up to an unfamiliar realization, instead of trying to overcome my pain, anger, frustration, and deep guilt to that of being free of all those emotions. That is when it dawned on me, like it was always there just waiting to be found. All I had to do was go within, and there I went and suddenly my father’s words rang true to me – “ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS LOOK WITHIN”.
I am proud to be a Survivor. I am now Cancer free and with minimum treatment I was able heal and find my true self. In no way do I profess to be a Guru, but I can help you navigate through your true north to find your connection to the Supreme self as I did.
The world needs more of us now than ever before. We are born with a wonderful gift of knowing who we are and how we can live a fulfilled life. Come and join me as we work around shedding all that negativity and excess baggage to finding our true calling. Let this be the beginning to a journey of making this world a wonderful place for us and our future generations to live in. Let us give gratitude and love to the Supreme being for our creation. Namaste!